Bible Verse
Nevertheless I tell you the truth. It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you’
John 16:7 NKJV
My journey of faith began with a mixture of curiosity and intensity with this ‘Holy Ghost’. I began to ask more questions about the Holy Ghost(Spirit) and searched the Bible but there was something missing until my Christian sister gave me a book entitled “Good Morning, Holy Spirit” by Benny Hinn. (The book with the Flying Bird as the cover)
I became restless during the reading of the book and had to get off my bed to test out the statements made in the book that you can actually greet the Holy Ghost (Spirit). I thought to myself, I could only do this indoors and not outside whilst walking just in case some passers-by saw me talking to myself as sheer madness!!
To this day, I remember the event of kneeling at the bottom of my bed and started crying with this very words, “Dear Spirit of God, I have heard many people call You, Holy Ghost and some, Holy Spirit but I really want to know You personally. The crying intensified uncontrollably with heavy nose runs….and then the miraculous happened!!!!
As I was in the process of weeping the hormonal tears of a woman (the Holy Spirit is my witness because He once commented to me, “I know you like crying”), the miraculous happened!!
I heard in my ears audibly and it was as if somebody was standing behind me and spoke these words in plain English, “You do not need to weep to know Me, if you want to know Me, you will know Me”. For a moment, the ‘Ghost’ who is ‘Holy’ can speak, but where exactly is He standing in my bedroom?….Very spooky but I least it all happened in my bedroom and not my neighbourhood!! My sanity was intact!!
True Message for Today
The Holy Spirit is present in ALL PLACES AT ALL TIMES and all His creation, physical Human beings and spiritual beings including Satan and all his cohorts can never be out of His sight. (HOLY SPIRIT IS OMNIPRESENT – Psalm 139:7 -13). My dear reader, call to Him in your own native language and He will respond. You do not need to speak English like I did before he can respond. The Holy Spirit can speak ALL LANGUAGES OF THE EARTH!!! AMEN
True facts about the Spirit of God (Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit – Part 2)
Who is the Holy Ghost (Spirit)?
- The Holy Ghost (Holy Spirit) is the ONE LIVING and TRUE GOD, infinite, eternal, underived and all -knowing Spirit.
- The Holy Spirit possesses all the attributes of personality and deity – including intellect (1 Corinthians 2: 10 – 13), emotions, (Ephesians 4:30), will( 1 Corinthians 12:11) and eternality(Hebrews 9:14)
- The Holy Spirit is Omnipresent(Psalm 139:7-13), Omniscient(Isaiah 40: 13,14; 1 Corinthians 2:10), Omnipotent(Luke 1:35; Romans 15: 13,19) and truthful (John 16:13)
Prayer For Today
Lord Jesus, l thank You for Your Holy Spirit. I eagerly yearn for a long-lasting relationship with Your Holy Spirit. I have just learnt that He is not a Ghost or Spirit as portrayed in the Ghostbusters film.
Precious Holy Spirit, in the name of Jesus, I thank You that You are real and Jesus, my Lord and Saviour said You are my HELPER. Amen
Today Bible Reading: John Chapter 16
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Even so, come, LORD JESUS. AMEN