PAAWE Mission & Vision
To help spread the Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ using modern day Technology.
PAAWE, fundamentally, at all cost, works to fulfill the great commission vision mandate of Jesus Christ (Matthew 28: 19, 20) by spreading the gospel using modern technology as the GLOBAL CRUSADE PLATFORM and LOCAL COMMUNITIES CHURCH PULPIT to win souls for the end-time rapture of the church.
Contact Paawe
PAAWE Main office Building
Charterhouse Road | Off Amhurst Road E8 2RE,
London, UK

Leader | Evangelist
is a Kingdom of God Business Teacher, Special Trainer and Advisor to Pastors on Kingdom Business Growth and Expansion for the Great Commission Vision. Patience specializes in training the Youth, Men and Women and an Evangelist. She fellowshipped with United Reformed Church (URC) Ministry and worked as a Sunday School Teacher